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Sayings, what do they mean by JUST DO IT!
Most of you will identify this with Nike, correct? Over the decades it has probably just washed over us all, without giving it much thought, yet some years ago it became a haunting mantra in my life, as I realized putting things off was an ingrained habit and to overcome it I needed to remind myself, as I sought to “do it later” that that behavior was destructive to my wellbeing.
The gift of getting it done is much more rewarding than putting it off, mostly (there can be exceptions).
We are all aware of taking the dishes to the sink, but not washing and drying them or putting them in the dishwasher, only to find next morning instead of a bright new day awaiting you, you are confronted by the crud of yesterday.
I had a young lad living with me for some months. His mother had asked him to put away the winter tires of her car, which he agreed to do. The tires occupied a key position in the garage and the days went by without them moving. After 3 days I asked, when are you moving those tires? I’ll do it, he said. On the 5th day, I requested that he please move them as they impeded our daily working in the garage. In typical youthful fashion, he poutingly put them where they were designated to go (an easy move some feet away). I asked him, how long did that take? He said about 2 minutes.
So I asked him how often in the 5 days he had thought he should do that, sheepishly he responded a couple of times a day. So my question was, do you think a 2-minute job is worth the nagging awareness of something undone for 5 days? This awareness of “just do it” has become a mantra for me and those who feel like me, that being confronted by piles of clothes, unstored items, and half-finished jobs is too big a price for just not doing it? The inertia of leaving something is a daily struggle, but as it has improved for me, over the years I find it so rewarding I felt I would share the anecdote and thought. So instead of Nike, review how it may pertain to your better life.
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