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Today is Margaret’s birthday flashed up in the feed this morning. Here comes the dilemma of our current times. Maggie was for some 40 years my heartfelt friend married to my best friend. She died in November, way too young, from the horror of Cancer.
The feed is news. However, in this instance, it is clear it is “fake news”! Being in the inner circle it was easy for me to discern this, but I am sure there will be some responses that her husband will have to deal with, that will be hard on his soul.
So once again we are confronted by: Don’t believe everything you read! Verify, and remain inquisitive so that you can respond appropriately.
In this case, I wrote to her husband: “Thinking of you, in profound friendship!” he responded, “As you can imagine, it’s been a difficult day.”
This leads me to the next thought. How often are we confronted by a situation where we don’t really know what to do. It was absolutely clear to me that a trite response was inappropriate, also there was no way I was going to let him doubt that he was not in my thoughts. Sometimes that’s all one needs.
A forensic expert was asked if any of his suicide cases ever troubled him. He responded that one in particular still does. The note read: “If someone talks to me before I reach the bridge to jump, I will not jump!” I am sure many of you will also be impacted by the profound sadness in this reality.
Therefore, my reflection is, that if you think it, it can benefit the recipient, choose your words but use them. It is never too late to make a positive impact with a salutation or thoughtful comment. Conversely, as my friend Alex said: If no one benefits from what you are about to say, keep it to yourself. In a similar vein, my Dad once asked me how I had concluded a matter of public affairs. I told him I had heard it on the news, to which he responded. Please spare me regurgitated thoughts, I can get them myself, if you have an original thought to share I will be delighted to hear from you.
So I urge any and everyone, to be conscious of your words. Be conscious of what you read. Especially in a political setting where fakery and downright lies abound, we owe it to ourselves to dream of the greater good but stay awake and not indulge in fairy tales.
Fall approaches and nature will show us once more the majesty of her fall colors,