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My upbringing said, do not discuss Money, Religion, or Politics! However, in this election cycle, it is quite difficult to avoid what is certainly a surreal experience. It feels to me like a hail storm that won’t abate! For most of us, assumption is what we are left with, and as we know to assume = making an ass of u and me. We the populace have no way to ascertain what is so. However, we all do have the right to think for ourselves and hear what is being said.
Things that bother me as a “foreigner” (NZ/CH) are:
I remember listening to my first debate (years ago) and having an opinion, then I listened to the spin doctors of both parties and was left with a feeling of “What did I hear”. So, in reality, we are being told we don’t know what we are hearing. Unhealthy accusations that we should not accept from our family or friends if we have any self-respect.
Things I think about:
The deification of both candidates by respective believers is crazy. Expectations are inevitably not fulfilled and the subject at hand (America’s future) is pretty much a cast of the dice.
Neither party has covered itself with glory in controlling the deficit. If we behaved, as they do, with our debt we would be “out of luck” as the saying goes.
Running a family, company or Country depends not on putting blame on everyone else, but looking at how we can work together to make things better for the greater good. Nothing happens in isolation. One government leaves a legacy that the other needs to work with. Ideally, a handover is not of a cataclysmic ship, but an understanding of the needs of the greater good. America deserves a continuation of the ideals it is/was known for. As Churchill said, America often goes the long way around but ultimately makes the right decision. Is this our inflection point where we repeat “Have you no shame, Senator” and move on to our greater good?
I have learned that there is nothing quite as pathetic as a has been – in my case the world-class times I swam are today eclipsed by under 17 girls. So I focus on what I can do today, basically getting Honey for Healing ® to be the best product on the market and getting as many people as I can to benefit from it. Also, it has been important to my friendships to be accountable, so I try to urge people not to say, “I could have told you so”, but let me know their thoughts, in case they help me make a more informed decision. Don’t be bullied, review each candidate as a member of your family, and ask if they are looking to your good.
Thank you for listening, go out and Vote as an American, not as a Democrat or Republican. Project 2025 is a danger as I cited before, we ignore its aims at our peril. I speak as a member of a family that was victimized by autocracy.
P.S. Does Norma Desmond of Sunset Boulevard ever cross your mind as you watch the news?