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Angel was our FedEx driver delivering to our neighborhood. One of my neighbors was moving out to California but had to vacate his home before he was ready to move. Angel was surprised to see him at my place, and after a banter I suggested she come around for dinner before he left, which she did.
The first impact was not seeing her in her Fedex Blue uniform, but in a lovely dress and groomed. We had a lovely meal and were sharing each other’s life stories when the reality of Angel became even more transformative. She had been a classical musician, playing flute, was a member of the NY Philharmonic orchestra, and was even befriended by James Gallway! Jaws dropping we were wondering what had taken her from such a life to the position of a FedEx Driver. It turns out that abusive behavior from her husband, and some other NY wrinkles made her opt out and take on her current life.
What’s the point of this? Never underestimate someone else’s history or experience!”
We arrived as Immigrants in New Zealand and could not speak English. Our early years were complex as people mocked the “weird” food we ate. Because my mother worked as a waitress part-time, while building her business (Manufacturer’s Rep for European companies), and we did piece-out work when she was home, we were outcasts. Never mind that my mother had a degree and behind her accent carried a savvy business mind.
At a time when it is easy to review someone different as inferior, I am reminded of Shylock’s famous soliloquy:
If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
Or as the Dalia Lama stated when asked what he considered himself – A member of the Human race.
So my theme today is, to cast aside judgment and seek how we are the same. As the poem on our Lipcare Balm says:
Life is only foam and bubbles,
Two things stand like stone
Kindness in another’s trouble
Courage in your own.
Enjoy your coming week