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The other day I was watching a nature film and a musk Ox had died on the tundra – seemingly from disease as no other causes of death were obvious. The camera crew then captured a pack of wolves, who were hungry mid-winter, finding the prey but after inspecting it, despite their hunger, they passed it up and went looking for something else to eat.
It made me reflect, how often do we experience, hear, or see bad behavior, and instead of considering if it is “edible” just hang with it, only to suffer the pain and discomfort of being emotionally poisoned? Even the slightest poison upsets the balance in the body, if a wolf that is starving can reflect on that, surely, we can garnish reflection to not sustain bad effects on our being, spiritual or physical.
On a lighter note, yesterday I went through security (TSA) control at Philly Airport and was pulled aside because of suspicious sightings during my scan. Certainly confused, I wondered what they could be looking for. When he told me my left shoulder and my calf were in question my quandary increased! They patted my shoulder all around and then proceeded to my left leg. He patted the leg and asked what I had strapped to my calf. Ya, what! I exclaimed! Immediately I raised my trouser leg to reveal a varicose vein I have had for decades, citing, sir, this has been with me for eons. We both laughed and I went on my way.
The scanner had no skin in the game, and luckily both the officer and I were balanced in our humor. Several reactions could have been possible. Me indignant about being called out, he could have become more severe when I said, Ya what! As with the wolves, as my coach said: “When in doubt, think it out, don’t react.” Similarly in discourse, hear the person out, and expect the right to likewise be heard. Freedom of speech carries with it the responsibility to listen which we are called to act upon in complex moments. Let your ability to reflect and not react bring you to your best solution.
Wishing you all a fulfilling week!
P.S. I was just at a wedding and the bride kindly made one of our favorite gifts, our lip balm. All the guests seemed well pleased. Corporate Holiday gift, Wedding favor, bride shower, WHY NOT? If you order 12 (a dozen) we give you one free (a baker’s dozen). Such fun to reach back into idioms.