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The Power of Cooperation.
“No hominin species could survive long enough to evolve had its members seen themselves as atomized individuals, pitted by nature against their fellow beings. Contrary to our present ways of operating, a traditional (evolutionary) view of self-interest would be enhancing one’s membership in the community to everyone’s benefit” Gabor Mate’s Myth of NORMAL.
Upon reading this passage I reflected on how true it is for us all. It was I who reaped the accolades for my sporting endeavors, but without my mother, coach, and friends I doubt the journey would have had the outcome. Similarly, College and later business. The degrees are mine, the companies likewise, but none would have been possible without a fair dose of good fortune and the support of incredible people along the way. Most of all it was a customer, here and there, who drove us to better performances.
So why am I writing these notes to you? Because I believe in co-operation. Many of you know I wrote a handwritten note in all our early shipments. Then I was called away to offer elder care to my Dad (98) and thereafter my stepmother(94). During that time the essence of Honey for Healing® was kept alive through my dearest friends, who stepped to the plate. As we grew some of the writing was created by AI and this upset me as it was impersonal. With Eldercare now no longer part of my duties, I assumed this journal of thoughts to you. It is my way of reaching out and getting a feel, some cooperation, from you.
Your cooperation took our wound care to a non-hydrogenous cream – which stopped the honey fermenting.
Your cooperation made us realize that ReviveR needed scent enhancement to give you one of the best skin creams on the market.
Thanks for reading, until next time,