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Awakening from a past lesson!
When I was young, like all kids, I was involved in activities in the neighborhood. Playing, exploring, and sometimes misbehaving. One of these occasions, one of the lads decided to engage in minor vandalism, but destruction nonetheless. Upon coming home, I told my mother about the event, as a commentary of an event, when I was confronted by the question: So, what did you do? Duh, I thought and said I did nothing. Pause: I was given a “detail” list for the next 2 weeks (Chores in the house and garden) with the severe warning that if ever I am in a situation where injustice or obvious misdeeds are taking place. I am in a position to speak out or act as an interference, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to do so. May I say, I accepted my “detail” work, but inside me brewed the feeling of injustice that I was being punished for something I had NOT done. During those two weeks, I mulled over the “injustice” and started to balance out that with the mantra of Noblesse Oblige (honorable behavior whenever possible). Maybe I have lived up to the lesson along the way. My friends joke that I “don’t miss ‘em” when speaking up or out!
However, that lesson long ago has come into full focus as I watch the worldwide political scene descend into condemnation without viable counter-solutions.
We have core issues of decency that should be adhered to, being ridden roughshot over with a complete absence of humanity or reflection.
We are seeing in the service of EGO institutions and nations being dispensed on and with while people who know better sit idly by.
Yesterday a feed came across my computer:
and I offer it to you.
The clip shows how we easily fall into “lazy” behavior. But also, how lessons learned need refreshing. Most of us know what’s right or wrong. We are all capable of looking the other way or “Hoping” for the best and doing nothing.
What is my responsibility, I ask myself? In that, I return to the basics of moral history. Control one’s self and one’s behavior in the drive towards a greater good. Show tolerance not ignorance, be kind, not punitive, be clear – silence is compliance.
Yeah, you’re right! This has little to do with HONEY for HEALING®, but maybe more than we can see. Manuka Honey was “discovered” by Dr. Peter Molan, at Waikato University, in New Zealand. He created the UMF coding in the 1980’s. He wanted the University to benefit from the patents he was able to garnish for this, and the public to be the beneficiaries offering an antidote to antibiotic treatments.
Instead, the Patents/know-how were sold to a public company and the whole Manuka movement was monetized, without benefit to his university.
When we talked about this, I tried to work with one of the companies to bring the virtues of the product to the general public only to realize I too was being played out.
Thus began Honey for Healing®. Instead of token quantities of UMF15+ in our wound cream, we have it so that the efficacy is not only assured but also makes customers (and myself) go WOW, this works!
Thanks for reading, please get yourself a tube of the wound cream as a First Aid Backup, some of our customers also use it as a cosmetic against wrinkles, as the high honey content acts as a skin hydrant and reduces crow’s feet, just saying.
All the best, with gratitude for your reading and being part of these musings.