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Elephant in the room! I am taking a break from the narrative of M.I. because the elections here in the States have unleashed so much behavior that I strongly feel needs addressing.
Donald J. Trump is president-elect! End of debate. We, and the Western world are in for a ride, which at this moment has no shape, however, we do know, due to the nature of the man, there will be change.
People are wringing their hands at the prospect and others are jubilant that they WON. May I present that the USA chose a new president, and we now need to accept and deal with a new reality!
I come back to our reality, upon arriving in NZ. My mother was talking to me about how unfair the government policy was, as all imports were based on imports from 1955 and we immigrated in 1956. Seeing the dilemma, I sat at my mother’s typewriter and wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr. Walter Nash, pointing out that our situation was very dire, as our income and livelihood were based on our mother being able to work, and his policy was creating hardship for her. This letter sparked a series of events (even mentioned on the floor of Parliament) resulting in the mother getting the embryonic allocation of import licenses. Sitting and complaining is not an option, I learned!
Coming into our new reality, I see many crossroads ahead of us. My clarion call for us all is to hear, reflect, and act in a manner that is responsible to our family, friends, and neighbors. If we take care of the local details and strive for ethics and decency, it may begin the process of civility in all things.
We saw the abdication of consequences for obvious lies (Bill Clinton) we saw the acceptance of hate campaigning (Carl Rove), we experienced the absence of fiscal responsibility (Geoge W), we saw Obama favor big banks and business over the simple homeowner. Trump upended the constitutional practices, as did McConnel and we have taken to accept partisan and narcissistic behavior as the new norm. Biden gave his word for one term and did not hold it and now pardoned his son. Had he let the law take its course he would have still been in office and could have commuted subsequent action, which would have sat better, than the current action. Acting in fear leads to a mess. Now the bountiful harvest of those seeds, that sidelined civility, honor, and respect is among us. There will be winners and losers in this transition. None of us know yet what that will mean. So, I urge us all to be generous in our actions, and reflective in behavior rather than knee-jerk reactive.
My task will be to keep the quality of our products at the leading edge. You will notice one major plus, in each case: Wound Cream, Lipcare Balm, and ReviveR, a little goes a long way. A Value feature!
A lady wrote to me the other day saying. I was telling my friend that I’ve forgotten what dry, cracked Hands feel like since I apply ReviveR every night!
See you next week with more of our immigrant life!