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If someone has an agenda, LISTEN. If someone cannot tell you what their life philosophy is, be wary! I had that stance based on: Mein Kampf, which was published in 1923, but no one listened, voted the guy in and we are still reeling from those events. We had the Ayatollah Khamenei, espousing fundamentalism in the 50’s, and 60’s from Paris, yet we put him in power in Iran. We have had Putin telling us since the 1990s what he is aiming for, yet tolerated his behavior and now we can see it in full swing. We are being shown with Project 2025 that there is a concerted effort, as in the last examples, to assume power and as in all the examples impose on the majority, minority values with dire consequences. All these movements had boogymen who were going to harm us, people jumped on a bandwagon, YET forgot to read the fine print or material available, choosing to go with hear-say…but in all fairness to H, K, P, et al they gave unbridled warning of their intentions…
However, as we mature, we form new thoughts. The above is an awareness that movements that are counter to the majority core ethics, disintegrate into misery for the populace, however idealistic they seem (Chavez/Maduro being the latest example)
However, I cannot stop such things from happening. What I can control is my behavior in my daily life. My gratitude for an epiphany in this area goes to a Soviet Dr. who was visiting NYC and doing the rounds of the wards with the head Physician at Einstein Hospital. The American Dr. was baffled by the Soviet’s avoiding reading the charts for a review of the patient, but instead going to the patient, introducing herself, asking the patient’s name, and asking her/him to sit forward so she could fluff her pillow, asking if they were more comfortable and then asking what was ailing them.
The head Dr. asked the Soviets, why do you waste your time on pleasantries, our job is to get these patients well and we need our information to effect this. The Soviet Dr. said: My objective every day is to make sure that every encounter I have with whoever leaves a positive footprint for the person that I can, be this: make them comfortable, help with an idea, find a solution, or sometimes just listen.
So it has become my daily intent to do the same. As a fellow member of the human race, I seek to give those around me the right to be heard, and when I can make their day a little brighter for having met and/or interacted with me.
People often tease me that I am too idealistic, so be it. But without that optimism and an unrelenting desire to do good, we would not have our products: Wound Cream, Lipcare Balm, and ReviveR.
Honey for Healing® took over 5 years of struggle to bring to market, and we encounter administrative hurdles regularly. But in good faith, we persevere.
You cannot change the big picture, BUT if you listen you can make better choices, and if you act with love in your heart this world will become a better place incrementally and with permanence.
Wishing you a fine week,