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Doubtlessly the election has overshadowed every other nuance in our daily lives, but it brings me to one of Mother’s early observations. We do what we need to do (in this case vote) and whatever the outcome you need to adapt and continue striving to: be good, be wise, stand up for what seems right and resist the temptation to take the easy way out, through excuses.
To Mother’s journey and impact (Good and Bad). Her name was Marina, and to give her form rather than mother. I will address her as that. Marina was born to extreme privilege in Yugoslavia, maybe it would best express that their summer house was a castle on 6000 acres. When they wanted to go from the city to the estate, they “summoned” a train, not just catch one going.
WWII changed all that. She was working for the resistance, as an employee with the German high command. In that capacity, she could arrange sabotage of raw materials back to Germany, etc. However, in 1944 her luck ran out and the Gestapo tapped her. Her boss, although surprised to hear of this, was very fond of this attractive, capable young woman, and advised her to flee at once before the arrival of her captors. She left the office, gathered some personnel, and walked out of Zagreb destined to arrive in Lausanne, Switzerland, where her fiancé (my father) was pursuing his studies. In this action, one is exposed to an incredible will, fearless action, and tenacity to follow through, which she showed, and tried to instill in my sister and self in the future.
Her journey through Italy, into Switzerland, was certainly not a cakewalk! Upon arrival she reported herself to the authorities and instead of reconciliation found herself interred in a “camp”. Becoming ill, she was thankfully released and united with my father.
This union was fraught for many reasons. In a link below, I have attached my poem expressing this.
A memorable incident from their time on me was when Dad had taken us kids to meet his lady of the moment. I expressed to my mother her face reminded me of a camel. She told my Dad what I had said, he made me apologize to his lady for what I had said to my mother. I felt instinctively and profoundly that this was unjust, as both parents had betrayed me. Mother for passing on my comment, Dad for making me apologize for the confidence I had expressed to my mother. I was 8. For my life, I have been cautious to express only that which I intend to defend and careful of what I say. Wounds of youth. Or as a friend of mine said If all parties do not benefit when you open your mouth, don’t.
Next edition I will continue the journey of Marina (M.I.) and the lessons derived from this.
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